Tagged: visual

keyhole composition organizer for essay-writing

Organize Essays with the Keyhole Essay Organizer

The Keyhole Essay Organizer appears in many forms across the Web. It can be a very helpful visual reminder of what goes into a basic essay–introduction, body, conclusion, plus some helpful tips.

Excellence in Literature: The Complete Curriculum: Literature and Writing for Grades 8-12

Three Things to Consider When Making Curriculum Decisions

Choosing curriculum can be a challenge. Here are three things to think about to make it easier!

Learning Styles: Do they really make a difference? Can they be a roadmap to better teaching?

Learning Styles: Do They Make a Difference?

In the How to Homeschool a Boy series (the three previous posts), I talked about some of the things I learned through the homeschooling years. One of the first things I learned about was learning styles, or preferred ways of...