Tagged: priorities

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of.” Benjamin Franklin

Big-Rock Planning

Big-Rock Planning for Life Whether you are planning a homeschool year or just mapping out a routine for life, don’t forget to start planning with the big rocks—the things that matter most. Big-rock planning works in every area of life. I’ve written about it...

Read not the Times, but read the eternities. (Thoreau)

A Year Without the News Media

In 2013, I quit. I’ve never been a heavy consumer of news and pop culture, but for over 30 years, I faithfully read the daily newspaper and usually listened to radio news once or twice a week. I don’t watch television...

Set priorities for the new year by Janice Campbell

Set Priorities for the New Year

Here’s how you can make your personal New Year a time of renewal and refreshment. Think through goals and routines, and create priorities that help you, like Mary, focus on “the better part.”