Tagged: charlotte mason

Seven things about homeschooling

Seven Things I Wish I’d Known About Homeschooling

It’s been awhile since we started our homeschooling journey, but as I look back, there are seven things about homeschooling that I wish I’d known. The truth is, someone might have told me about one or more of these, just...

In order to write better, write more.

Our Students Need to Write More

During the past decade, I’ve spent a fair amount of time evaluating student writing and teaching SAT prep essay workshops and online high school literature classes. I’ve had the chance to read hundreds of papers from students all over the...

Charlotte Mason on teachers who talk too much.

Charlotte Mason on Teachers Who Talk Too Much

One of the things I most appreciate about Charlotte Mason is her deep understanding of how children learn, and how curiosity and creativity can be stifled by certain teaching norms, including talking too much, being repetitive, and giving tests and...

You can use copywork for teens and adults, as well as for children.

Copywork for Teens

“Mom, I need some copywork!” I thought my son was kidding when he approached me this morning. After all, he is taking college classes, and doing quite a lot of writing. I thought he’d finished with copywork years ago! As...